Q&A update adds drafts, alerts and more

We hope you had a great break. We’ve been busy updating your Projectfusion instance.
Q&A has had an update, now your managing teams can draft questions, and pass them on for review. Also there’s new assign and notify options, as well as improvements to how you can reset passwords.
Or you can give junior staff the ability to draft responses but not send them. Using the assign button you can assign questions to your team, and easily filter to show who’s doing what. Finally we added instant notifications – so you get told immediately by email if new questions or responses have been added.
Elsewhere, we’ve made some changes to security, to ease the pain of forgotten passwords and lost invites. Site managers have a new button in the members tab to allow you to easily send out new passwords, and administrators can now send out invites by hand or phone – super useful for those situations when people just aren’t getting emails.
And of course a few pesky bugs, notably around password reset, have been sorted out. We’re doing more work on Q&A this month – let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see.
Kind Regards,

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