The fastest eSignatures & forms

Send docs for signature in seconds from your email.Send any pdf form for completion and signature.

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The fastest eSignatures & forms

Send docs for signature in seconds from your email.Send any pdf form for completion and signature.


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Why Projectfusion eSign & eForms?

> Faster workflows

Get any document signed, no prep work or adding boxes. Save time and hassle preparing documents.

> Save time

Send files straight from outlook – no faffing or logins.

> eIDAS Compliant

Our eSignatures adhere to the regulations you need to make sure your signatures are legally binding.

“I can give you so many [reasons to use safedrop], price, easy to use, flexibility, time and money savings, simple integration with our systems…”

Andy Carlile
Practice Manager, Bury Council

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> What is 

an eSignature? 

eIDAS defines eSignaures as the following: “data in an electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in an electronic form.”


There are three main types of eSignature, all with varying degrees of complexity.

> Why are they 

a good idea? 

eSignatures can help speed up agreement processes as everything can be completed digitally, in a way that is suitable for all parties involved.


Good signature solutions also give you extra proof of signature authenticity. So you can rely on their integrity.

> 24/7 UK based team

> Do I need any 

special software? 

With a wet signature, you have no idea if it is faked, especially as people can scan and send documents. You can sign a PDF and it will technically be legal, however our eSignatures offer an extra layer of security by verifying the user when they sign their document, including verifying their IP address, so you have peace of mind.

Projectfusion eSignatures & eForms Features​

Projectfusion eSignatures & eForms Features

> Simple eForms 

Any form can be made into an eForm – you can do it, or we’ll do it for you.

> Send from Outlook 

Send your forms and documents for completion and signature right from Outlook – in seconds.

> Keep on top of local regulations 

Keep all your data in one location to stay compliant. Choose from UK, EU, USA, Canada and 25 more locations

> Meet compliance needs 

We’re fully ISO27001 compliant & our entire supply chain is accrited. 

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